Smart budgeting for new video content
If you’re developing your 2021 video budget with a fixed number of productions and a cost estimate for each — there’s a better way. So much of B2B business is conducted via online video today, it makes sense think of the video budget as a resource for boosting your brand by enlivening everything else that […]
Reaching out with social video
“Social video generates 12 times the shares than text and images combined” has been a favorite stat of video makers since it was mentioned by Forbes in 2017. But what is “social video” anymore, now that socializing with video is an everyday thing for people in business? What’s not sociable? Commercial interruptions. Sure, competently produced […]
Changes in Sales Models Call for New Video Content
Only 20% of B2B companies these days rely on in-person or field teams — down from 60% last year (source). For many B2B companies “website interactions” has meant redoubling their eCommerce efforts — with good results and with fewer interactions. But it’s not so easy to get online orders for complex and pricey purchases like […]
Make your online meeting video televisual
Findings from a recent report on lead-gen strategies from Ascend2: Most marketers think their social media tactics are increasing the quality of leads Most marketers are spending more on social media because of COVID-19 Most marketers regard video as the most effective type of content for lead-gen, followed by webinars, and live events/webinars All these […]
Making digital selling a top priority
When it comes to digital transformation in B2B marketing and sales, marketing has led the way in recent years. But now B2B sales teams are finding that they need get up to speed with digital selling in a hurry. “The pandemic makes digital selling absolutely essential to hitting goal,” says Glenn Eckard, head of client […]
Make your online video meeting more like “real” video
For many sales professionals, conducting online video meetings is now a big part of the job. And, it’s not something that comes naturally to most of us. Even if you perform well and the group resists talking over one another, attention will wander in online meetings. Multiple talking heads on a small screen? That’s very […]
Better video in online sales meetings
Increased familiarity with online video platforms like Zoom has opened up opportunities to stand out from the crowd with better quality video. Maybe you’ve already improved your on-camera game with expert lighting tips or by adding a spiffy virtual background. But there are still plenty of opportunities to make better use of video in online […]
Video for online sales communication: free tools
Looking to host better meetings and raise the level of your working-from-home game with video? Just about everybody is using video for online sales communication these days, not just “inside sales.” Here are some free tools for videoconferencing, video production, virtual classrooms, interactive video, and more, that you may not have run across up to […]
New and different videos for online meetings
Are you prepping for a meeting that has unexpectedly been moved online in response to the coronavirus crisis? If so, you’re probably up against the fact that B2B sales presentations and interactions on the small screen are pretty low-energy compared to live meetings and presentations. You can boost the energy level of online conferences with […]
Video marketing statistics you can argue with
Here’s an infographic chock full of video marketing statistics you can use to argue your need for a bigger video marketing budget. Candidly, I’m not a big fan of infographics. Too many cite numbers that are unverifiable (like the 7-second attention span of a goldfish), or questionable sources (like other infographics). But this one, from […]