TBV Insights
How to use video to differentiate your technology solution
For many B2B products and services, technology itself is a big differentiator. But vendors of these technology solutions often struggle to differentiate their own solutions.
Best practices for social media video
While most B2B video viewing continues to take place on desktops, B2B companies still need to discuss their solutions in social media. Video generally rules
What types of videos can influence B2B buying decisions?
A notable difference between B2c and B2B buying decisions is that most consumers (75%) say they’ve placed orders immediately after watching a video. That may
Vimeo Enterprise: A new platform to manage video at scale
Vimeo Enterprise, a SaaS version of the 14-year-old ad-free platform popular with video creators and viewers, is launching soon, in a version aimed at making
How long should your video be?
Is there an ideal length for a video? The work of crafting a B2B marketing video is always done in hopes that prospects and customers
Use this narrative formula to tell your video story
Kurt Vonnegut famously diagrammed the “shapes” of the what he identified as the mere handful of plots that underlie all stories. But the plot of