What kind of video marketing strategy do you need?

By focusing video on the customer experience, you end up with a better-integrated content marketing strategy, not a a better video marketing strategy.
By focusing video on the customer experience, you end up with a better-integrated content marketing strategy, not a a better video marketing strategy.

I’ve never liked the term video marketing.  It’s not so much the ambiguity — we can all agree that “video marketing” and “marketing [of] video” are not the same thing. What bothers me is that “video marketing” implies that a video marketing strategy exists in isolation from the rest of your online marketing strategy. IBM recently published a […]

How should a B2B marketing video feel?

B2B marketing video should make people feel smart.
B2B marketing videos should make people feel smart.

“Feelings” in a marketing video? Nearly every B2B marketing video, including many we’ve made, begins by describing the buyer’s problem to be solved, and then goes on to extol the seller’s solution. The underlying feeling, if there is one, usually begins with unhappiness about the status quo. But most people are not eager to risk changing the status […]

Video as customer experience: watching with customer’s eyes

Try watching video through the customer's eyes to understand video as customer experience. It's not easy.
Watch your video with the customer's eye. A different frame of reference may suggest new approaches to videos for B2B marketing.

Is watchability the best frame of reference for B2B marketing videos? B2B buyers click on a marketing video expecting to get something out of it, and willing to pay for it in the currency of the Internet: their attention. To gauge video as customer experience, consider whether customers will come away feeling that they got what they paid […]

Make chatbot-ready videos for account-based marketing

Chatbot-ready video account-based marketing

Did you know that Facebook thinks most online interactions between businesses and their customers will soon be mediated by chatbots? Chatbots can deliver an immediate personalized response — which is what customers want. Microsoft has the same idea. The underlying design of Microsoft Windows going forward will be “Conversation as a Platform,” and chatbots will be in […]

Try a conversational approach to technology marketing video.

Technology marketing video should be at least as helpful as a chatbot.
What makes a buyer decide to watch your video in the first place? The decision is a lot easier if the buyer is confident that he'll get some value from it.

Are your buyers “consuming” your technology marketing video content in order to learn about your solutions and what’s on the horizon for your industry? Without contacting sales? That’s the assumption underlying most inbound and content marketing. It’s strange, then, that most content marketing discussions and surveys treat video as tactic. Discussions usually mention video categories (e.g., “explainer […]

Take advantage of these 2017 B2B Video Marketing Trends

2017 B2B Video Marketing Trends open up new opportunities for increasing customer engagement and improving the customer experience.
The trends in video open up a number of new moves to use video to create more customer engagement in 2017.

In a recent post I wrote about three B2B Video Marketing Trends I’ll be watching for in 2017. More conversational. Less advertorial. More formats More app-like Actually, I’ll be doing more than watching. I’ll be working with clients to find ways to take advantage of these B2B video marketing trends. All three lead toward more engagement […]

Can technology marketing videos have empathy?

Puzzling out the risks your customer faces in the decision-making process can help you create more empathetic videos and other content that is more in line with what customers really want.

There’s little doubt that video as a medium can have empathy. Reality TV shows may increase empathy and bring out the best in us. But let’s consider the kind of videos I know best, technology marketing videos. These are mostly short, high-level solution overviews for lead generation or account management. What is empathy in marketing? The production of […]

Make a better tech marketing explainer video. Start with a diagram.

Tech marketing videos that feature business and technical processes can come across as dull unless they are structured to tell a story. Diagrams write the story for you!
Tech marketing videos that feature business and technical processes can come across as dull unless they are structured to tell a story. Diagrams write the story for you!

In a previous blog post, I recommended diagramming the structure of your tech marketing explainer video using a tool built into Microsoft Office. That was about putting across all the essential messages. Another good way to come up with a story about a technology solution is to find the diagram that tells the story and extract what you need. […]

Tell B2B video viewers you take them seriously

Part of the art making B2B video for marketing tech solutions is taking the audience seriously. www.canstockphoto.com
People who invest their time in watching your B2B video want to be taken seriously. This is easy to overlook In the drive to deliver marketing "messages."

Malcolm Gladwell has said that, for him, the key to a good live presentation is to keep in mind that the audience wants to be taken seriously. This struck me as pertinent to the development and production of B2B video for inbound marketing and sales engagement. We imagine the audience browsing our collection of marketing content like bees collecting nectar. […]