TBV Insights

Take advantage of these 2017 B2B Video Marketing Trends

In a recent post I wrote about three B2B Video Marketing Trends I’ll be watching for in 2017.

  1. More conversational. Less advertorial.
  2. More formats
  3. More app-like

Actually, I’ll be doing more than watching. I’ll be working with clients to find ways to take advantage of these B2B video marketing trends. All three lead toward more engagement and a better customer experience. And that’s where all business is headed.

More conversational. Less advertorial.

This is in line with the trend toward a “video-first world,”  as envisioned by Mark Zuckerberg.   The more pervasive personal video streaming and messages become, the less relevant categories such as webinar, slideshare, explainer, tutorial, and commercial become. Video is simply part of the sales conversation.

Here are three things you can do in 2017 to make videos that are more engaging:

  • Get subject matter experts to record answers to frequently asked questions instead of making presentations. Add titles and graphics.
  • Record Skype conversations with customers.
  • Add video animations or slides to SME blog posts

More formats

Did you know that vertical video ads on Snapchat have up to 9 times more completed views than horizontal video ads? With more and more video being viewed on mobile devices, is makes sense that people aren’t going to want to turn their phones horizontal to view every video that comes along.  If you’re just trying to explain a value proposition and or teach a customer something useful, there’s no compelling reason to do it sideways.

In fact, one could argue that turning your phone sideways detracts from the customer experience. The vertical format favored by 200 million Snapchat users  will become increasingly relevant as more web videos are viewed inline on iOS devices, courtesy of Apple’s iOS 10.

It’s certainly not difficult to record videos in portrait mode. Or to edit in graphics and animations. Give it try. Put some on your FAQ page. Re-use on Snapchat.

More app-like

A video with clickable elements feels a bit more like an app than a video, simply because it allows the viewer to manipulate it.

Even if the interactions are rudimentary and nobody’s idea of fun, it feels more like something you’re using or experiencing, less like passively watching a video. If you’re marketing a technology solution, it’s certainly easy to extrapolate from this experience to a video, or a series, that branches across your solution in more interesting interactive ways.

The Content Marketing Institute’s Joe Pulizzi recently sent out an alert noting today’s marketings are going in for shorter posts, shorter social media updates, shorter videos, and shorter podcasts — and recommending that long content (if it’s good) could set you apart from the competition. I agree. But the problem with long-form video is that the viewer can tell how long it is from the start, but not how valuable it’s going to be. You can make a long-form video more app-like with enticing chapter headings that make it clear to the viewers exactly what can be learned — and allowing them to have the instant gratification of clicking to get the content they want.

I don’t see any downside to capitalizing on these trends — they’re not fads. And none will take a big chunk out of the video budget.

Videos to support your high-value offer

The High-Value Offer is a customer interaction with so much business value that the buyer feels compelled to engage. It’s an account-based marketing concept recommended by Gartner for customer acquisition, too. A high-value offer’s business value depends on timely topics

photo representing IT exec pondering how-to video content

Reframing your demos as How-to video content

I was surprised to learn from a Foundry (IDG) white paper on customer engagement [download link] that the average technology decision-maker spent 14.3 minutes watching each How-to video they viewed in 2022, up from 12.2 minutes in 2016. If you really want a technology