Video for the customer journey

Buying committee is an opportunity for video for the customer journey.

An arresting Biznology article by Ruth Stevens, “How do you sell when your buyers can’t buy? Mounting dysfunction in the B2B buying process” has interesting implications for creating videos geared to the customer journey. The article recounts an interview with Brent Adamson, Principal Executive Advisor on Sales, Marketing, & Communications at Gartner. The cause of […]

Motion graphics provide meaning

Motion graphics provide meaning illustration
Motion graphics help determine where the viewer's eye goes (and where attention follows).

“Motion provides meaning,” according to Google’s Material Design language for mobile applications. Motion guides our interactions with mobile devices. Motion is equally central to the experience of watching videos. Motion tells the eye where to go. That’s why it makes sense to give a lot of consideration to motion graphics in technology business videos. Four golden words: […]

Engineers watch tech solution videos

Engineers look at tech solution videos in conjunction with many different kinds of content.

Engaging with engineering staff is a challenge tech solution videos share with all other kinds of content. That’s clear in the table below from It shows the degree to which engineers rely on video compared to other marketing content. But think about this: all the non-video content in this table could be enlivened, clarified, […]

How to use video

Figuring out how to use video strategically can be a challenge. But it's not hard to figure out what it is that prospects need to understand in order to proceed along the buyer's journey.

Video content managers and technology marketing analysts say that many solution marketers complain that they just don’t understand how to use video. They like it. Sales teams like it. They know it’s effective. They want to use it more. But they don’t feel confident deciding just what kind of video to make. Videos for the […]

Differentiator video. One thing to remember you by.

Differentiator videos animate the one thing you want the prospect to rememeber by comparing it to something the prospect knows.

How do you differentiate your technology solution? Make a list? That’s what most marketers do, according to Gartner distinguished analyst Hank Barnes. But tech buyers don’t respond to these laundry lists. Give prospects one thing to remember you by is Hank’s prescription.  Spotlight your differentiator by comparing it to something the prospect knows. Hmmm. Shining […]

Do you need more killer video content? Just fill in the blanks

You can generate killer video content, and lots of it, by planning the content for different roles at different stages along the customer journey map.

Are budget constraints keeping you from producing as much killer video content as you’d like? Maybe, like most marketers, you tend to think about video as the product-promotion content you need when you roll out something new. Try thinking about video as something the customer wants on the buyer’s journey, and why. Whatever the content, he […]

Conversational video content for sales enablement

Happy customer inspired by video content for sales enablement.
Video content for sales enablement needs to help salespeople create engagement by forwarding the conversation.

Vidyard recently published an infographic that maps types of video productions (explainers, product info, chalk talks, personalized, etc.) to the customer lifecycle and suggests appropriate levels of production values for each genre. It’s worth a look. But this “generic” approach to video is mostly geared to marketing content that is essentially promotional. I don’t think […]