5 steps to save time and money producing technology solution videos

Five tips for reducing video costs, increasing efficiency and — most important — making a technology solution video that customers value.

How do you get ready to make a video? Most enterprise technology solution video production starts with someone’s assumption that a video is required, a budget and (preferably) a deadline. Then someone writes a script or a treatment. Here are five practical planning steps (my take on excellent suggestions from TechSmith, makers of Camtasia and Snagit), […]

Video tactics for the modern B2B buying experience

Video tactics or video content? Thinking tactically about video for sales communication can lead to better sales-marketing collaboration.

A fascinating new research report by Forrester’s Laura Ramos finds that companies waste a ton of money on content that “buyers don’t want and sellers 
won’t use.” The survey of marketing decision-makers reveals that few of them think they have a complete understanding of exactly what content sales needs, although they recognize that the sales process […]

Plan video content by the numbers

The average sales process is 4.8 months, during which you'll need to reach 16 influencers, half of them from IT, half from the business. Think about how you differentiate your sales communications as you plan video content.

The first rule for keeping videos for IT decision-makers short, is “Don’t tell them what they already know, just tell them what they want to know.” Maybe that’s two rules, but enforcement is hard either way. It’s particularly hard to say what each person on a buying team starts out knowing or wants to know. […]

Video: The Buyer Enablement Tool

Illustration of buyer enablement video.
The idea of "Buyer Enablement" is to make the buying process easier for buyers by providing the resources and information they need when they need it.

Gartner, the leading supplier of categories to the Information Technology Industry, has come out with a new one: Buyer Enablement Tools.  “Today’s buying journey isn’t just hard — it has reached a tipping point where it’s become nearly unnavigable without a significant amount of help,” according to Brent Adamson, principal executive advisor at Gartner. “Much […]

What kind of video do you need in sales communication?

Creating the 'eureka' moment that differentiates you from competitors is a challenge, especially late in the sales process. Tailored messaging is essential. Make the message easy to share with video.

“Are Salespeople Relevant to the Modern Buyer?” is the question posed in an article by Tamara Schenck about about  CSO Insights’ 2018 Buyer Preferences Study. At first glance, its results seem to say “Not really.” Most buyers only engage with salespeople after they have identified their needs. Many buyers have already identified a solution before engaging […]

Video for sales enablement

Prospects are hungry for different types of information late in the sales process. Sales enablement programs aim to make it easy to share the right content at the right time. Research shows that more of that content should be in the form of video for sales enablement.

When Gartner technology marketing analyst Todd Berkowitz evaluated his “10 Fearless Predictions for B2B Tech Sales and Marketing in 2017” at the end of the year, he decided that he had been “completely right” in predicting that “Tech Providers Will Pay Far More Attention to Sales Enablement.”   He deemed the prediction “Content Creation Will […]