Testimonial Videos Made Simple


The ideal testimonial is a story about how someone like you solved a problem like yours. But good video testimonials are rare, despite their obvious value in an era of digital selling. Why? Because, however much they truly value a product or service, customers see little benefit in a not-entirely work-related project that will probably […]

Video Messaging for Customers and Colleagues

When was the last time you read an email that made you feel smarter? Or felt enlightened during an online meeting? The unexpected experience of a clear, concise explanation of something that matters to you is both rare and refreshing in the “new normal” online information environment. Crafting clear, concise emails is tedious work that […]

How To Combat Zoom Fatigue

They're everyday events, but online meetings will probably always be a mental challenge because of "nonverbal overload" and other factors beyond our control. Still, with you can reduce Zoom fatigue with a few TV tips.

Citibank’s CEO, Jane Fraser, made a splash with her last year announcement of Zoom-free Fridays for employees, “to combat the ‘Zoom fatigue’ that many of us feel.” This is no knock on Zoom, or online meeting software in general, which has proven to be remarkably effective during the pandemic. The problem isn’t software, it’s people. […]

Do a short videos need narration?

Short videos can tell stories without narration.

More show, less tell Have you given any thought to how much video these days gets watched without audio? More than you think, probably, because LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube all autoplay videos with no audio by default. Now consider the short videos you’ve created to explain and promote your products and services. If […]

How much Sales Communication is too much?

At the top of a recent article titled “Attitudes Toward Information Signal Buying Effectiveness,” Gartner analyst Hank Barnes billboards this alarming (if you’re involved in sales communication) headline “43% of Buyers Feel Strongly That Volume of Information Overwhelming” The feeling captured in the headline emerged in Gartner’s studies of how organizations with different psychographic profiles […]

Reaching out with social video

Social video reaching out

“Social video generates 12 times the shares than text and images combined” has been a favorite stat of video makers since it was mentioned by Forbes in 2017. But what is “social video” anymore, now that socializing with video is an everyday thing for people in business? What’s not sociable? Commercial interruptions. Sure, competently produced […]

Changes in Sales Models Call for New Video Content

You're representing your brand on camera more than ever. Give yourself a break — online meetings, online expos, and all your other sales and marketing efforts go better with new video content.

Only 20% of B2B companies these days rely on in-person or field teams — down from 60% last year (source). For many B2B companies “website interactions” has meant redoubling their eCommerce efforts — with good results and with fewer interactions. But it’s not so easy to get online orders for complex and pricey purchases like […]