Most B2B marketing videos don’t support the buyer’s journey

Most B2B marketing videos don’t support the buyer’s journey because they are product-centric. They accompany product introductions, reside on product pages and are featured in product promotions. Most B2B videos are designed for the “awareness” phase of the buyer’s journey — that is, “Introducing (ta-da!) Cloud Security v.3.0!” These overview “explainer” videos are useful. Customers, […]

Making explainer videos for the buyer’s journey

A trend we’re seeing in the production of information marketing videos is that our clients are increasingly interested in making explainer videos for the buyer’s journey “consideration phase.” This is the point where prospects think they have the problem pretty well defined — now they are trying to get a handle on their options for solving […]

Videos for the buyer’s journey

A couple years ago, Forrester analyst Lori Wizdo depicted the marketing sales funnel in this clever sideways view, with the funnel “bottom” becoming a confused network of criss-crossing channels in which buyers and influencers share the information they collect for themselves. “Marketers who continue to ‘go to customer’ with product-centric campaigns and offers,” she wrote in this blog […]

Explainer videos for sales enablement

Customers in an array of industries, from IT to insurance to business process outsourcing, are often way ahead of the salespeople who are ‘helping’ them. Harvard Business Review In many of today’s buying processes, actual living, breathing salespeople are likely to enter the game when it’s more than half over. If the buying process goes awareness –> […]

Explainer video is a key sales enablement tool

“Helping a salesperson deliver the right content to the right person at the right time” seemed like a good working definition of sales enablement when I quoted it recently, but, on further reflection, I wish I had added “at the right place” because prospects are so often on the go. That’s why explainer video is […]

How to use explainer videos for sales enablement

In content marketing, you put content where prospects are will notice it and, hopefully, consume some, because you assume that buyers are avoiding sales people during at least half of the sales process. Sales enablement, on the other hand, is about helping a salesperson “deliver the right content to the right person at the right […]

Make white papers work better with video

Done well, there’s really nothing quite like white papers.   Here are four ways to use make white papers work better with video, and how to make this staple of marketing content a little more appetizing. Use video to increase downloads White papers are supposed to be interesting, technical, and objective. Well — nobody really […]

Produce more lead-generating and funnel-filling video

Marketers are missing opportunities to produce more lead-generating and funnel-filling video at lower cost. They just need to look at video from a different point of view. What stands in the way of producing more videos? A technology solutions company we have worked with asked us to gear up to produce 70-100(!) 2-Minute Explainer videos […]

Why your eNewsletter should link to videos

      This the third in a series about integrating video with your other email marketing tactics. Here is why your eNewsletter should link to videos The word “video” in the subject line increases click rates by 65% That’s according to a 2013 MarketingProfs study. This is good news for technology marketers, most of […]

Use videos to maximize LinkedIn lead generation

[ Note this article appeared in MarketingProfs ] You’re creating videos and distributing them through Facebook, YouTube, your blog, and paid media opportunities to generate hundreds to millions of views. But are you forgetting LinkedIn, one of the most important channels for B2B marketers? Here’s how to use videos to maximize LinkedIn lead generation LinkedIn […]