The ROI of video marketing

Analyzing the ROI of Video Marketing is the intriguing title of report from the Aberdeen Group that is fairly bullish on content marketing in general, and video in particular. It finds that that “Best–In-Class companies are more likely to use video in their content marketing mix than any other media.” Somewhat disappointingly, it does not present […]

Best information sources for B2B technology videos

There are few exceptions to the rule that you can’t have a good video without a good script. Even if the production is improvised, what gets used is judiciously chosen and edited to create the script. Here are some of the best information sources for B2B technology videos which you should furnish to the writers […]

Defining what your video viewer will value

Have you ever been in a situation where you know you need to produce a short video to introduce a product or service, but you’re at a loss as to what it should say? Maybe you’ve got a conference coming up, video is a must-have, and a big software solution you need to showcase. You […]

How can video content address group dynamics?

An interesting post at by Patrick Spenner featured this chart. The gist of the article is that: What prevails in the technology decision-making process is group dynamics — politics, fear of sticking one’s neck out, inertia The probability of buying plummets the instant the second team member comes on board There’s another steep decline when the […]

Start at the end: with a good video call-to-action

Getting a target audience up to speed on what your product or solution or service can do for them is something video can do very efficiently. But in the world of B2B technology and enterprise solutions — a world where “add to shopping cart” has no meaning — the audience has clicked through to your […]

Planning an explainer video: 6 questions to ask

For many marketers, “budget”, quickly followed by “timeline” are the first things that come to mind when the subject of videos comes up. Here are a few things well worth considering before you even start to worry about either budget or timeline — because they can affect both. Here are six good questions to ask […]

Planning an enterprise solution explainer video

Say you’re in marketing, and you have been tasked to produce a short video, or a series of videos, to support or establish a position in the marketplace for a technology solution. Here are things to consider when planning an enterprise solution explainer video for one of these typical technology topics: New or improved service […]

Six B2B explainer video “worst practices” (including some of mine)

Until recently, video was rare on the Internet, and people were grateful to find it because the prose (at least on tech company websites) was so dreary. A video on the home or product page was high-impact communication.  That was the case when we started making 2-Minute Explainer videos in 2004.  Now, video isn’t just […]

Increase conversion with a video call to action

This article shares some ideas on how you can Increase conversion with a video call to action using interactive CTAs. B2B technology videos are mostly created for the purpose of putting ideas into prospects’ heads (aka “messaging”), hoping they’ll pursue one or more of these ideas to the next step. Typical next steps are email us […]

Using personas to produce B2B explainer videos

How narrowly can you target a video? This article looks at using personas to produce B2B explainer videos. Many eCommerce consumer websites design their offerings around “personas” — fictional characters created to represent collections of consumer demographic and lifestyle attributes. Using the many lifestyle indicators consumers like you and me provide, marketers serve up content […]

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