How much can B2B video improve conversions?
The oft-cited “86% improvement in conversions” stat appears to originate from this white paper about making video “accountable.” A/B testing of “video on the front page” against “no-video on the front page” was carried out for the online tutoring company TutorVista. The date of the tests is not given, but somewhat surprisingly, at this writing there is, in fact, “no video on the front page” at TutorVista. Another conversion success story (+32%) mentioned for this securities trading platform. Prominent on the home page there is a highly professional animated video that clearly explains the company’s value proposition. It makes effective use of YouTube annotations to overlay notes, calls to action, and other links. (Not 100% effective, though. At this writing, YouTube annotations depend on Flash technology and do not play on iOS devices). It’s not hard to see why this video converts viewers: at any time during the video you can click a big button to sign up for a free account.This short video is designed to speak to two “roles” in a large organization: HR executives involved in the selection of insurance carriers, and financial executives looking to achieve savings wherever they can. It’s tough to know when one of these folks is “converted” by watching a video. But there are several ways to measure success.