Condensing product information into an explainer video

The most important constraint on the length of a video message is the number of words spoken. But it can also be helpful to consider different shapes for the message container. Here are some ways that we condense our clients’ product information and marketing messages in a two-minute or less video. 1. We Tell Stories […]

Information to include in a two-minute B2B video

This article will share what I think is the essential information to include in a two-minute B2B video. Because short videos play such an important role in inbound marketing, it’s probably safe to assume that: 1) The viewer is pressed for time 2) The viewer wants to know right away “What’s in it for me?” […]

Common mistakes when condensing information into a 2-minute video

1. Saying what goes without saying Promises such as “increased productivity” and “lower costs” are tough to deal with because they are among the benefits of technology in general, and all B2B technology products I can think of promise them. On the other hand, if those are the main benefits, you cannot not mention them. […]

B2B video teams instead of committees

I was asked in a LinkedIn group discussion, “If you don’t use storyboards, how do you develop the finished product, particularly if a team is working on it?” A creative process and a business process B2B video is as much a business process as it is a creative process. Like many business processes today, there’s […]

The collaborative process for creating video marketing content

The most important thing According to a recent survey conducted in the LinkedIn B2B Technology Marketing Community,  the three most important elements of effective content are “audience relevance” (71%), “engaging and compelling storytelling” (56%) and “triggers a response/action” (56.7%). Source: 2013 B2B Content Marketing Trends Report Request a copy here: These were the only […]

B2B technology videos: explaining things that are hard to explain

Speeding the B2B technology buyer on his way The value of video in speeding people on their technology-buying journey is simple: there’s no faster way for a person to pick up a high-level understanding of a subject that would otherwise take a lot of hard work to understand. Animated B2B videos, in particular, can make […]

To get business value, communicate business value in your video

Suppose you want to use a short (under 2 minutes) video to introduce a specific value proposition or product. How important is style? How much effort should go into showcasing your cool company and cool brand with cutting-edge graphics, dazzling animation, and offbeat narration? And how much to “education” facts, unfamiliar concepts, technology differentiators? How […]