More “delightfully nerdy” explainer storytelling styles

"Delightfully nerdy" is a great explainer storytelling style for tech buyers.
"Delightfully nerdy" is a great explainer storytelling style for tech buyers.

Technology buyers who are looking into a solution value insight on the buyer’s journey. That’s something video can deliver faster than any other medium. That’s why I’ve been advocating getting down in the weeds with a “delightfully nerdy” style of explainer storytelling — most recently here and here. Typical messaging about superior product features and benefits seldom […]

“Delightfully nerdy” storytelling styles for high-tech marketing videos

Lots of techies consider themselves "delightfully nerdy." It's a good style to help your high-tech marketing videos connect.

In the twelve years we’ve been making high-tech marketing videos, we’ve occasionally mediated disputes between marketers and product managers over the question of what makes a video “too technical.” We like featuring as many technology differentiators as possible — probably not more than three or four in a short video — because we believe that buyers are […]

The future of tech marketing video is closer than you think

The introduction of Apple's iOS 10 platform will affect the future of tech marketing videos in ways that are hard to predict -- but that we should start to figure out how to anticipate now.

Perhaps the most powerful driver of “digital transformation” has been the smart phone. And perhaps the most notable “transformation” as been the rise of video as a tool for discussion and social interaction. In a wide-ranging report, The Future of Video, Feng Li of London’s Cass Business School, writes that “video is not simply an […]

Why hire a pro to produce your tech solution marketing video?

Professionals with experience in creating tech solution marketing videos will employ an agile production process to deliver your video on time.

With so many DIY video tools and cheap production options for “explainer” or other type of tech solution marketing video, it’s reasonable to question the $5,000–$15,000 cost of a professional production studio. Here’s how professional specialists earn their fees. Viewer-friendly tech solution marketing video You’re involved in sales and marketing. That makes you an advocate […]

Does Virtual Reality have a place in IT marketing videos?

Virtual reality in tech videos?
In some ways VR is just another kind of video. In many ways, it isn't. But what might be its role in IT marketing videos?

I’ve always thought of making IT marketing videos as a semi-journalistic exercise — there’s no pretense as to objectivity, but the video certainly ought to communicate something true and worth knowing about. I recently attended a panel discussion at the New York Times on the future of virtual reality in traditional journalism. The Times preemptively grabbed the leadership […]

Share the enthusiasm in subject matter expert videos

Enthusiasm comes across in any video, but it's not often on view in technology marketing videos. Make it work for you in subject matter expert videos.
Enthusiasm comes across in any video, but it's not often on view in technology marketing videos. Make it work for you in subject matter expert videos.

What made Candace Payne’s Chewbacca Mom video so irresistible was sharing her enthusiasm. Shared enthusiasm obviously plays a big role in day-to-day buying decisions, too. Consumer marketing gets a big boost from customer video reviews, “influencer” tweets, tutorials on enthusiast websites, etc. B2B subject matter expert videos can share enthusiasm, too. Why don’t we see a lot of […]

“Socialize” your video content for tech buyers

Video content for tech buyers should recognize that most don't want to be marketed to. They are looking for ideas.

Most video content for tech buyers seems to ignore the fact that regular people spend more than 100,000,000 hours every day watching video on Facebook. Mark Zuckerberg has said he expects that Facebook will soon be 100% video. In other words, video is a medium used for everyday social communication. That makes sense — it’s just another thing […]

Five ways to make watchable technology videos

Make watchable technology videos that encourage buyers to keep watching.

Tech buyers don’t want to be marketed to. But they do appreciate the speed and accessibility of information delivered in watchable technology videos. Here are five ways to make your marketing videos more watchable. Turn off the sound According to the ad tech company Unruly, videos that work with the sound off are among the […]

7 signs you’re a video content marketing underachiever

Don't be a video content marketing underachiever. It pays to surround 2-Minute Explainer videos with additional video content

Video content marketing is about providing viewers with many opportunities to engage with your company through its videos. Here are some signs you may be missing out on some opportunities. 1. You think you just need a video. Maybe you’re introducing a new product. You want a video that gets people excited, right? But if […]