Niche Company, Nice People
Back in 2004, Hard-to-explain IT solutions like “Master Data Management” and “Runbook Automation” needed a new type of sales support. Wordy explanations on company web pages were off-putting.
The 2-Minute Explainer® animations we created gave sales reps a new way to start sales conversations with IT and for them to share the ideas with other decision-makers.
Today video is the preferred mode of explaining just about everything and everyone. It is still the best way for enterprise technology companies to explain complex technologies to buying team members throughout the organization.
That’s still our niche: helping our customers bring customers up to speed on technical solutions quickly and in a way they can they can share with colleagues. Ours is a niche market, and we’ve chosen to stay a small company. Our customers work directly with the people who started the company.
Working with your subject matter experts, we quickly grasp your technology and its differentiators and make sure your customers can grasp them quickly, too.
Technology Business Video has been the recipient of many creative awards.

Company co-founder Bruce McKenzie has been a public broadcasting executive, and a Fortune-500 creative and marketing executive. He has produced marketing, sales, instructional, motivational, and analyst presentations, as well as award-winning docudramas. He holds degrees from Dartmouth (BA), Boston University (MS, Broadcast Journalism), and the University of Dallas (MBA).

Company co-founder Lorna Pautzke held various positions in product management and B2B market research at a Fortune-500 company. In addition to an ability to quickly identify and articulate business problems, she brings her experience in project management and editorial skills to every project. She holds degrees from SUNY-Geneseo (BA) and Adelphi University (MBA).