Done well, there’s really nothing quite like white papers. Here are four ways to use make white papers work better with video, and how to make this staple of marketing content a little more appetizing.
Use video to increase downloads
White papers are supposed to be interesting, technical, and objective. Well — nobody really expects them to be objective — every reader knows the publisher has rigged the evidence. But credibility demands that presentation of evidence take precedence over mere assertions of superior performance.
After all, you normally require the buyer to fill in a form to read it. Nobody likes filling in forms, and the near-certainty of a follow-up phone can be something of a deterrent.
A “video preview” could be the needed enticement, however. And if the white paper contains links to videos, these could be featured on the white paper landing page. If the white paper contains details of a case study, you might have a related video testimonial to use as an incentive to download. This doesn’t necessarily require making a new video — it’s probably a matter of thinking strategically about how to deploy existing video content effectively in more places.
Use video to speed reading
Most white papers are distributed as PDFs. That means you can put links to videos inside your white paper. And you should — if the video content is technical and not sales-y.

Ask yourself how can I help the reader grasp this content quickly? Static illustrations work well for ideas that invite study. Process and work flows are much easier to understand if someone walks you through them, as in this example. The video linked to the right contains examples of animations that could complement white papers.
Use video to get it read
Video content makes a white paper more interactive, which increases the chance that it will be read now rather than being put into a “later when I have time” folder. People will open the white paper to watch the included short (<2 minutes) video. If the video does its job, then the prospect will be drawn in to the more detailed content of the white paper.
Use video to follow up
Following up with a video that summarizes the value propositions conveyed in the white paper can help get it read, remembered, and shared. You can also follow up with a 2-Minute Explainer overview video that connects the dots between the processes and concepts. This additional nudge can help encourage prospects to want to talk to a sales rep.